Fighting for Your Legal Rights

  • International Trade Law: What Do Lawyers Study To Enter This Field?

    4 November 2019

    There are around two hundred countries in this world. That is a lot of different governments and governing bodies. Every nation has its own laws regarding everything from crossing a street to international trade. In fact, it is international trade that makes the world go round, and most countries want to get involved in business with other countries. Before things ever get that far, companies have to hire international trade attorneys.

  • Things You Need to Know if You Were Wrongfully Terminated

    21 May 2019

    No one ever likes to lose their job, but in some instances, the decision to let an employee go is actually illegal. When this occurs, you actually have a wrongful termination case where your former employer will owe you damages. The following guide can help you better understand the process of undergoing a wrongful termination lawsuit. Check if the cause of termination qualifies First and foremost, you need to make sure you have a case.